Image result for The old TestamentImage result for The old TestamentImage result for david and goliath the bible Image result for samson the bible Image result for noah the bible Image result for Ezekiel the bible Image result for the old testament

The Old Testament – Book of Genesis

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Mystery # 1 – The Reality of Heaven – In the Beginning…and GOD was…

Image result for genesis 1:1While it makes logical sense that the first Mystery of the Bible should be about the Creation account because without it, nothing else really matters or makes sense in the Bible. We instead have chosen a different approach in dealing with the attributes of God the Creator throughout this entire website including our Blog. When relevant we have alluded to God as the Creator, who is pre-existent and not dependent on anyone or anything to have created him. Before time, he has always existed. This topic requires faith and because of the complexity of the subject, we have decided that the topic of Heaven is our first Mystery of the Bible that we will explore in the Book of Genesis. In Genesis 1:1, we know that God created the Heavens, (not just Heaven – there is emphasis on the plural) and the Earth.. So there was more then just one place or dimension if you will that was considered to be Heaven. So what of these Heavens –can we know something of them, like where they are and what exactly are they? Can we really know about Heaven’s location and is the answer in Scripture for us to know? Let’s find out together.

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It is widely regarded in both the Judeo- Christian Communities that there are traditionally 3 and as many as 10 Heavens (according to the Book of Enoch which we will take a look at later in this website) or places, locales, dimensions, whatever you want to refer to them as. We trust the Bible so we are definitely safe in knowing there are 3 Heavens. Let’s take a look at all three of them.

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The First Heaven can be found somewhere in the sky and the Earth’s atmosphere. You can look up to try and see it but the clouds during the day and the stars at night seem to block the way besides the fact it cannot be seen by the physical eye anyways. Image result for the clouds gifs

The first Heaven’s entrance many believe is blocked by an invisible dome or water-based firmament above us and we will see what the Bible has to say about this in a bit. This is what a possible depiction of the dome of the firmament above us would look like potentially. The idea that there is a dome blocking access to the Heavenlies is why many claim NASA never went to the Moon as they could not get passed the firmament dome that God has placed there for our safety. What do we mean by safety? By safety we mean God not letting us go to places we aren’t able to survive in and at the same time protecting us from harmful entities trying to enter our atmosphere that would seek to harm or destroy us. As we will soon see we are already too late in dealing with the latter, mostly due to the wicked and evil act committed by Jack Parsons and his Satanic comrades tearing a hole or Portal into the atmosphere allowing all kinds of unwanted entities to travel into our atmosphere since that time (in the mid to late 1940’s). There will be more about all of this later on in another MOB. This coincides with the massive increase in UFO sightings and the Roswell Incident, all taking place around the same time frame (the late 1940’s to 1950’s).

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A coincidence? I THINK NOT.  There is a dimension unknown to us that conceals all sorts of surprises, some the Bible informs us about.

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Our Universe as we know and see at night (with all the stars twinkling and shining so brightly) is what we call Outer Space, the 2nd Heaven. Keep in mind how vast it is and how little of it we have actually explored. Many of us have speculated that there must be life on other planets, but God’s Word does not tell us anything about it, so we will have to wait and see if someday God chooses to share that with us or not.Image result for outer space gifsRelated image

Funny though when we think of God what do we do? We look upward to where we believe are the Heavenlies, don’t we.

In Genesis 1: V.7 – 8, we find out that God made the firmament, and he divided the waters both above the firmament as well as underneath the firmament. God called the firmament Heaven. For the sake of any confusion, since there are multiple firmaments, let’s take a look at how they all fit into Gods’ Design of Creation. Is it possible that Heaven is not just another place but another dimension in space and time or a different realm altogether? If God was more nearby then we thought, but in a dimension or realm that we could not cross into, could that not partly explain the fact that God is Omnipotent, Omnipresent and all seeing and all knowing?

It stands to reason this is a Spiritual dimension with access to only that of the Supernatural Spirit realm and not the physical empirical World which we see around us daily, since God is Spirit and not of flesh. This is why we are told in God’s Word that no flesh can enter into Heaven.

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1 Corinthians 15: 50, Now this I say, brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God; neither doth corruption inherit incorruption.

Simply put, the World has become corrupted with sin, but God is incorruptible and incapable of sin, so the two don’t mesh.

The New Testament mentions Heaven often, but no specific location is ever mentioned. We know that God resides in Heaven and Heaven seems to exist outside of time and space as we know it on Earth. Can we know more than this? Is there more we can find out about Heaven and its whereabouts? As we have already discussed, Heaven is a Spiritual Realm and someday scripture and the Book of Revelation indicates that God will provide us with New Heavens and a New Earth that will contain the heavenly city called the New Jerusalem. God will dwell among his children there forever.

Isaiah 14:13, mentions a few key things about the location of Heaven worthy of note. Heaven as most of us know and have come to believe is in an upward direction (as one would imagine). Heaven is beyond the stars in outer space (or as the verse in Isaiah states – above the stars). Isaiah also mentions the recesses of the north, so we know also that Heaven is located somewhere in the Northern region of Outer Space.

It is interesting to note that some Scientists have documented what they call a “hole” in the northern most part of the Universe, and in fact this huge hole is so large it dwarfs anything else in comparison including the largest of what we refer to as planets and even solar systems. It is not inconceivable that Heaven may possibly be beyond that hole and perhaps that hole is not so much a hole but a portal. How can we prove it one way or the other? This “gap” is in the Northern Hemisphere, lying in the general direction of the constellation Bootes. This “hole in space” is a 300 million light year gap in the distribution of galaxies, and has taken cosmologists by surprise, not because it exists, but because it is so big.

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In Job 26:7, again there is a reference to the North and God stretching out the North over empty space and hanging the Earth on nothing, which may be a reference to the Earth’s suspension by gravity.

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When Jesus said that his kingdom was not of this World in John 18:36, beyond the spiritual ramifications of Yeshua’s statement, did Jesus also mean that the Heavenly Kingdom was a parallel World or another dimension that exists alongside the Earth?  So what and where is the Kingdom of God?

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We can speculate about the Kingdom not being of Earth all we want but at the same time, we should not read too much in what has been provided us in the way of supplemental information outside of the Word of God, which we know we can trust as truth. We need to have faith to accept things at face value in the Word of God however for that is the essence of faith (believing in things not seen).

Other parts of the Bible, speak of the Heavens opening up so if we think of the Heavens as being Outer Space and beyond, then we know that God promises to renew or recreate the original Universe mentioned in Genesis 1:1. Image result for the heavens and the earth will be recreatedImage result for the heavens and the earth will be recreatedImage result for the heavens and the earth will be recreatedRelated image

So we are back to the concept of not 1 but 3 Heavens or maybe more like 10 Heavens in total if we come to the conclusion that the Book of Enoch’s depiction of 10 Heavens has any merit. So let’s take a look at the traditional view of three levels of Heaven or 3 Heavens. The Bible backs up this view the best.Image result for enoch and 10 levels of heaven

As we already mentioned the first Heaven is the atmosphere around the Earth (where birds fly in the sky and even higher above the clouds are the Planes that go soaring by). Above this is the Firmament made of Water, we cannot see it but scripture says it’s there so we have to believe this. If it is there, what makes man think he can penetrate through it? Above this firmament is the Second Heaven.

Image result for the second heavenThe Second Heaven refers to Outer Space – where “supposedly” Rocket ships are able to travel to on a limited basis (but not much further then the moon). This of course is a can of worms we won’t even dare to open up at this time concerning whether Man actually ever traveled beyond the Van Allen Radiation Belt and whether the Moon landing’s were hoaxed or not.

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Could the second Heaven be an unknown planet or Solar System or Galaxy? Who can tell for sure? The Third Heaven is the one of great mystery, it is the realm beyond Outer Space, where God resides. This obviously is the Heaven most thought about, most written about and most talked about.

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Revelation 21:1-2, talks about a new Heaven and a new Earth and that the first Heaven (the sky) will pass away and this includes our seas and oceans as well. It was the vision of John (the Revelator) where the Holy City of the New Jerusalem was coming down from the Heavens of God and this New Jerusalem came down from the 3rd Heaven.

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So we can safely say there is a lot of very cool and special “happenings” taking place at that Third Heaven level. Later as we look at the Book of Enoch, we will go level by level and the “elevator” won’t stop at the 3rd floor as according to Enoch there was a 10th Heaven. Keep in mind we are not endorsing The Book of Enoch as being on par with scripture and the Bible nor will we attest to it being accurate or true. it is an interest piece and nothing more, and one should always approach any material outside of the Word of God with great discernment and care. It must after all line up 100% with the Bible to have any valid merit and since we have no place in the Bible speaking of 10 levels of Heaven, we best leave it alone as meritless conjecture.

Still another view from still another source called The Secrets of Enoch describes 7 Heavens or 7 Levels of Heaven. Once again, this view is not backed up by The Bible, so we only mention it as a curiosity piece and nothing more. What is even more important is the paramount question of the implications of whether Heaven is real or not. For if Heaven is indeed real, so then is also Hell. One of these (Heaven and Hell) cannot exist without it’s polar opposite just like good cannot exist without evil. Believers of course, do in fact believe in a literal Heaven and Hell.

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The location is not really important because there are only 2 choices for you to go to when you pass on and some Agnostics or Atheists will tell you that there is a third option or maybe the only option for them and that is put the dead person in the ground, and they just rot away since there is no such thing as a “God” anywhere to be found. Yes, but the problem with that one, is it doesn’t answer what happens to your eternal spirit which cannot die and has to go someplace.

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You will spend eternity somewhere, either in the light or the darkness. It really is a black and white choice friend. The agnostic or atheist must then argue they have no spirit, which sadly is just ignorance. We all have a living spirit it is our life force. What you do with that life force is really up to you.

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With only one chance to get it right, once at death door’s it’s not a last second game of “Let’s pick a door” (as you would find on the TV game show Let’s make a deal), it’s real life and the saying, “better to be safe then sorry”, never had so much riding on it. 

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Here is the litmus test question. Be honest and ask yourself…

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If Heaven is our ultimate home and we are created in the likeness of an eternal God, with an eternal spirit then we were meant for eternity and we will spend eternity somewhere. That’s a guarantee. The choice as always is yours to make. Do you have your eternal destination figured out beloved?

Coming up the next Mystery in the Book of Genesis…

Image result for God Created ManAnd the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath ...Image result for Genesis the bible God creates Man

Mystery # 2 – God’s Wonderful Creation: The Mysteries of the Creator

Genesis 1:26, 28 And God said, let us make man in our image, after our likeness, and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. And God blessed them, and God said unto them, be fruitful, and multiply and replenish the earth and subdue it.

Nowhere in the Bible is there anything more mysterious than the Book of Genesis. The greatest mystery of all is the one we just accept, out of faith. This mystery centers around the fact that the Creator God always existed and never needed anything or anyone to create him. He just is…and always has been…GOD.

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He was and is forever eternal and self-existent, non-dependent on any other life form to base his existence or survival upon. We do not challenge this, for this is the basis for our faith in God, the characteristics of a unique supernatural existence we really cannot comprehend with our mortal minds.

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Once we go further into the Book of Genesis as we read Genesis 1:26, we learn that God indeed says let us make man in our image, after our likeness. God wants us to know from the get go, who he is, in order that we can worship him in spirit and in truth. Today the truth of God’s Word is challenged by Doctrines of Demons, which we will address at another time.

Image result for let us make man in our imageGod wants us to know that we were made in his likeness. What is God’s likeness? We have the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit which are 3 divisions of God. Was God speaking of the heavenly host when he said, let us make man in our image? The answer is most likely no, because we read in V.27, in the image of God created he him. It is not the heavenly hosts (his angels), God is referring to. Was God speaking of himself in plural? The word Elohim in Hebrew means God and while it has a plural ending, it is singular in understanding. The fascinating aspect of this use of the word in Genesis 1:26 is backed up in Genesis as we read that God was busy creating but his Holy Spirit was moving upon the face of the deep at the exact same time.

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Now it’s not hard to imagine our God of Wonders doing these two things at the same time, in different places with different parts of the Godhead bodily being represented, but would he have?  We have already seen God’s Triune nature on display in Genesis, if you recall,

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so why not here once again?

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We know that in the beginning was the Word, and the Word was God and the Word was with God (at the same time – the Father & Son aspect of God) and that the Word would ultimately become flesh and become the Living Word (Jesus/ Yeshua). The Word was instrumental in the creation process.

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We know that before the foundation of the Earth, Jesus was one with the Father as the Great I Am. So we indeed see a picture coming together here, of the Father, the Son (the Word which became flesh) and the Holy Spirit, all working in tandem in complete synchronicity together. There is no other explanation that makes sense biblically; this is the “us” of Genesis 1:26. God, the Father was speaking to both the Holy Spirit and his only begotten son, the Lord Jesus Christ in this instance. There is no getting around it , the triune nature of God is essential to the creation experience as we know it from the Holy Word of God.

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This is not the only time; we have seen this 3 way divine communication take place. There are actually a number of places in the Book of Genesis, where the use of the words our and us describes God’s Unique triune nature.

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The first passage is our selected feature scriptural passage in Genesis 1:26, concerning our image and our likeness. The second passage using the word us in reference to the Godhead, can be found in Genesis 3:22, Then the LORD God said, behold the man has become as one of us, knowing good and evil. Thirdly in Genesis 11:7, And the LORD said, Come and let us go down there and confuse their language. We know that God is clearly the speaker in all 3 of these passages but who is the “us”? Who is the “our” for that matter? Going back to the word Elohim which again is the word God translated from Hebrew, Elohim is the plural word for Eloah and Elohim is often shortened to the proper name El. Elohim occurs 2,570 times in the Old Testament as either a common noun or as a divine name.

Image result for let us make man in our imageThere is some disagreement, granted, as to whether the “us” and the “our” really address the whole matter of the trinity. God says he created us in his image. We know God is triune in nature, but are we? The answer that we believe here at Mysteries of the Bible (MOB) to be correct is that we are also triune in nature since we are created in God’s Image, just like God but in an infinitely much smaller scale. We are flesh, soul and spirit.

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The flesh & soul are the unique aspects of what God created and meant for us to be in the Garden of Eden and in the beginning before the fall of sin. The Tree of Life would have kept Adam and Eve alive forever physically as opposed to spiritually if the Mystery of Iniquity infraction had never taken place. The flesh & soul are the unique aspects of what God created and meant for us to ultimately become identified with.

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The Holy Spirit of God works together and alone with the rest of the Godhead; we only choose whether it is God’s Spirit or another evil spirit of the enemy, Satan to indwell in us. No one that was created in God’s Image is without a spirit or a soul.

We may choose to neglect the Spirit, so it may seem nonexistent to an atheist or agnostic, as would also the Soul. The soul will go somewhere; it will not simply rest with the body upon death. We will all be resurrected come the Great White Throne of Judgment and our bodies will be reunited with our souls, as we all stand before The Judgment Seat of Christ in order for us to give an account of how we lived our lives (or didn’t live our lives) for Christ.


To choose anything but the Triune nature of God is to deny who God is, in his truly unique spiritual persona, as Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

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Next up we look at V.28. Is there a great mystery of the Book of Genesis, here concerning the fact that God told Adam and Eve to replenish the earth? Well, not really that is unless you’re using the traditional KJV, let us explain. The words replenish in Hebrew (milu- minus the essential Hebrew accents) means “fill” not refill. The idea that there was another pre-Adamic race before recorded biblical history better known as Ruin-Reconstruction Theory holds no water. In fact, Luciferians like Madame Blavatsky who we will cover at a later date, used the pre-Adamic theory as an excuse to propagate her Satanic agenda further. If they could demonstrate that the Bible was not accurate or true then they could turn Christianity upside down (like the satanic upside down cross) for good, at least that’s what they hoped to do.

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There simply is no biblical proof to back it up, as interesting a concept as it is.


It turns out that the KJV (that we consequently use here at Mysteries of the Bible over 90% of the time because we believe it translates the best from the original Hebrew, Greek and Aramaic texts) used the word replenish as a substitute word for fill in the 13th to the 17th centuries. Replenish, it turns out has had as many as 10 meanings throughout history, including the word fill, so it is not definitive by any stretch of the imagination. In fact, we know adding to what is in the Bible is forbidden and God warns about it at the end of the Book of Revelation. So we need to take the Bible as is and that means we do not have any new revelation to add and that is a good thing because the Book of Revelations makes it clear at the very end of the Bible that no one is too add to the Book of God (the Bible including the Book of Revelation) or take away from the Book and so we will not even speculate that we need to know more than God has provided in scripture to us.

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So, this is not an issue in most modern versions of the Bible as the word replenish is not used, the word fill is used in its place. It seems that this mystery is no mystery at all, but rather a misunderstanding of old English and we can put this one away in the vault of clarity for once and for all. We do not have to give it anymore merit or consideration as it could lead the way to false doctrine (Doctrines of Demons) or weaken the integrity of the truth of God’s Word to the believer and the non-believer alike. Let’s continue to our next MOB (Mystery of the Bible).


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Mystery # 3 – Why A Rib? God the first DNA Surgeon

Genesis 2:21, reads And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh there of. The Hebrew word for ribs is tsalah and it means to “curve”.

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The point here is that DNA is in fact curved or twisted and is made of both X & Y chromosomes, which of course helps determine the gender of the fetus. Did God put Adam to sleep much like an anesthetist puts someone to sleep before an operation, in order that God could perform surgery in this case, taking DNA from Adam’s rib to create Eve? Related image

Is God the first DNA Surgeon that we know about in the history of mankind? God is the author of all creation, so he and he alone invented DNA.

Image result for God used dna to create adam and eveGenesis 2:22, reads And the rib, which the Lord God had taken from Man, made he a woman and brought he unto the man. The Hebrew word for made is banah which means “to build.” It’s also possible that in Genesis 2 that we are talking about more then Adam’s rib here as the Hebrew word tsela is actually translated as “side” which clearly is not Adam’s rib. Perhaps when Adam said Eve was “bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh”, he literally meant it. Perhaps the side being referred to here is not the physical side but the X side of Adam’s DNA. Image result for the x side of Adam's DNA

No matter what, if we take the Bible literally which is what we do here at Mysteries of the Bible, it appears God was the first DNA Surgeon, and it is recorded in the Book of Genesis for us all to read. Since God is the awesome creator of the Universe and of all living things, it also makes sense that God knows what he is doing when it comes to manipulating DNA since he is the one that created DNA in the first place. It is knowing the fulfillment of what Yeshua said, “when he said when you have seen me, you have seen the Father ” and vice versa. Now when we read that God created us in his image and the use of the plural word Elohim comes into play. The word Elohim is the plural of El (or possibly of Eloah) and is the first name for God given in the Tanakh: “In the beginning, God (Elohim) created the heavens and the Earth in Genesis 1.1- 2.4. We just covered this in the MOB (Mysteries of the Bible edition above.)

What we also discover here is that God is truly timeless and everything we have discovered in the past few centuries and even today, God already knew about and was utilizing in some form or fashion for the good of Man. What an amazing God we have. If we consider the times we live in, (the End Times), we are hearing lots of conversation centering around the impact of Genetic Engineering including gene splicing ,synthetics and cloning, One can be sure there is a lot of DNA Manipulation going on in secret and this has been the case pretty much since ancient times. We know as in the day’s of Noah so shall be the second coming of the Son of Man. The Earth was filled with violence in those days and the Nephilim (the offspring of the fallen ones or the fallen angels as they are more commonly known, who just happened to be giants) were running amok on the Earth.

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We will examine these monstrosities, these giants / the Nephilim in an upcoming study .The other thing that was happening with common occurrence was the creation of hybrids (as seen in ancient Egypt with the animal heads on much of the Egyptian art depictions of their false gods like Amun – the head of a ram and Ammit -the head of a crocodile). We will learn that these hybrids are still around today!

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These hybrids may be from the mixing of some form of demonic lifeform with non-human DNA found in animals. The Fallen Angels, we will learn have become experts at polluting God’s DNA pool.

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God’s Design of creation was being tampered with and is happening today with very powerful demonic deception.

It appears that demonic intrusion is once again taking place upon both men and women alike, as well as man experimenting with hybrids as well, (something taught by the Fallen Angels).

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In this day and age of transhumanism and transgenderism being highly regarded, man is tampering with God’s Plan of design.

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God’s long suffering in not unleashing his wrath upon the whole Earth (once again) is being put to the test here! How man continues to mock God whether willingly or unknowingly the warning never changes and that is for man to not be deceived, God is not mocked! Not Ever.

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No one has ever mocked God and survived the consequences, at least not eternally. Satan has the most elaborate plan ever to attempt to ridicule God and attempt to destroy him and we who have already read the end of the Book, know he has failed and that he will be forever sentenced to spend eternity in Hell! In fact, Satan is aware of this as well, but his blinding hate for God drives his rage forward.

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Man wants to play God (just look at CERN and what is going on there) with them supposedly finding the “god particle”. It won’t be God they find; however, it will be more like the small god of this World that they will meet up with or whatever interdimensional demonic beings enter through the portal they have created.

Since many will question God’s Existence all together or declare that they have little fear or reverence for God, they face the most severe consequences that will be eternal for all those who have not reconciled themselves to God through Jesus Christ /Yeshua his Son. They will spend an eternity of regret in the Outer darkness with gnashing of teeth.

Coming up the next Mystery in the Book of Genesis…

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Mystery # 4 – Hath God Said? ; The Serpent (Satan) and his age old lie.

Image result for Genesis Bible Verse Genesis 3:4Genesis 3:4, 5 And the Serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die: For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.

Our feature passage today may be the most well-known passage of the entire Bible. In fact, people who don’t ever read the Bible seem to know the story of the Serpent and the fall of Adam and Eve from grace, what we call the Original Sin. The most fascinating aspect of this passage is that it resonates just as much today as it did when it was originally first written down. The story of man / woman can be divided really into two chapters. Man’s search for the Divine leads him/her to God and secondly, man’s search for the divine leads him / her to be deceived by demonic lies and ultimately somewhere else then the Garden (such as false religions, cults and mysticism like the New Age movement).

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What do we know of this serpent, who is this serpent and why are his lies so hard to resist? Well to begin with this serpent spoke or at least used some type of thought projection (like mental telepathy), something we know no normal snake can accomplish. So, was the snake really a shape shifting demon perhaps? We know the serpent was full of lies. Who else is full of lies? The devil of course. Jesus said of the Pharisees (who were trying to kill him at the time) that they were of their father, the devil and that there is no truth in the devil, only lies. In fact, Jesus called him in John 8:44, a liar and the father of lies. So we know one thing, the devil is the origin and the start of all the evil in the World, he literally “fathered” evil.

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There were a number of lies and deceptions that came from this serpent. The biggest lie was that he told Eve that she would not die if she ate from this particular tree. God made it clear to both Adam and Eve that if they ate from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, that they would in fact surely die.

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In Revelation 12:9 we read that And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world; he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him. Staying in the Book of Revelation,

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Revelation 20: 2 again the serpent is referred to once again as Satan as we read, And he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan, and bound him a thousand years. So we know that without a shadow of doubt that the great dragon is also the ancient serpent, the devil, Satan, the deceiver of the whole world. Related image

The serpent and Satan are one and the same despite what others may tell you.  In fact, many will argue Lucifer and Satan are not the same being, we will look at that as well at some point and time in this Mysteries of the Bible Series. Whether the serpent was or is actually Satan we know this much, the serpent was at the very least, an agent of Satan, doing Satan’s bidding. We do know that demons can possess animals, they entered a herd of pigs after being cast out by Jesus in Mark 5: 1-13.

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They were a whole legion of demons, and they entered the pigs.


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which ended up all running over a steep cliff, into the sea.

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We know how Satan operates and even what he says. He talked with Jesus and tempted him with words in the wilderness.

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All that he said to Jesus was lies, he even twisted the Word of God around and that is quite a common practice with the works of Satan. You can see the demons at work when they possess people who have channeled them, see the difference for yourself.


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After demon -Sasha Fierce is channeled into Beyoncé.

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Whose face does that remind you of?

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they often will twist the Word of God around. They call Jesus “the christ” and “the christ consciousness” and this has nothing to do with the Lord Jesus Christ, our savior.

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So, if the devil spoke lies to the Lord, then how much more would he be effective in deceiving the elect if given the opportunity? It is no wonder that these lies of Satan fill all these false religions with doctrines of demons as well as cults and especially the New Age from top to bottom. Image result for new age doctrines of demons
Image result for new age doctrines of demonsImage result for new age doctrines of demonsImage result for new age doctrines of demons Image result for new age religion deception Image result for new age movement gif Image result for new age movement gif

We’ll look at a few techniques that the devil commonly uses as demonstrated by the serpent in the garden. There are so many false teachers these days even in Christian circles, the wolves in sheep ‘s clothing if you will. For we know Lucifer disguises himself as an angel of light. That’s why those of the highest levels of the Masonic Lodge worship Lucifer as they see him as good and the bearer of Light, the illuminator (where the word illuminati no doubt comes from).

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Scripture says woah to those who call evil good and good evil. In the last days we see this everywhere being played out.

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Image result for christians are evil the bible is evil and God is evil

All these wolves in sheep’s clothing who call themselves born again Christians are not only apostates they are plants of Satan or the very least puppets of Satan as they are doing the devil’s work.  If you watch closely, you can see who it is they truly pledge allegiance to, it’s not God, the Holy One. Some even teach that most blasphemous of lies, that we are God or as one “infamous false preacher of the gospel” Benny Hinn once called himself and his audience, “little gods”.

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So, we start off with this lie that Satan made in front of Eve. We know from Genesis 3:1 we read that the serpent was far craftier than any of the creations God had made in the natural order of things. He always had a persona that even his own ego could not contain. Remember he was once Lucifer, the Anointed Cherub.


Satan put doubt in Eve’s mind right off the bat by challenging her with what God had commanded both her and Adam to obey, by asking, “Did God really say you must not eat from every tree in the garden?” Satan is not the only the biggest deceiver he is also a huge source for misinformation and confusion. Image result for SATAN master of confusion

Satan is saying or implying that God gave Adam and Eve permission to eat from every tree in the garden. Satan always pretends he doesn’t know the answer, when in fact he does know it. In fact, he knows scripture inside and out and well enough that he knows how to twist and manipulate it for his own selfish gain. He loves to try to mock God plain and simple by using his own word against him.

Once the Word of God had been broken or not believed upon, Satan had an opening to plant his seed of temptation and curiosity. All of this is leading up to the fall from a state of grace to a state of original sin. Satan made sure Eve was alone and the timing was perfect as she was standing very close to the forbidden tree, so it was ready to have its apple picked from the tree.  The master of Temptation was about to do what he does best, tempt.

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Satan needed to tempt Eve in order to tempt Adam as well. If Eve was on board with the act of disobedience in eating the apple then Adam would seek to please her and that would be his motivation instead of being obedient to God. This was where the true origin of the sin began, pleasing man instead of God.

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The doubt Satan was trying to place upon Eve was whether or not it was a sin to eat from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. This is a typical lie of Satan, to blur the lines in what constitutes sin and what doesn’t.

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Satan made the question seem harmless and innocent at first, much the same way he introduces sin into our lives. Take the use of drugs or any addictive gateway type vehicle for Satan to slowly work his way into your life only to eventually cause you to be strangled by it.

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Satan’s true intentions were made known soon enough. The devil speaks in a taunting fashion, mocking the Word of God as he always does.

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Being a scoffer is second nature to the devil and it is in plain sight here. Satan’s plan is simple, it’s first to cause doubt about God and then cause one to deny God.

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As scripture says, all those that deny Christ is Lord are antichrist, and we see that quite evident in today’s New Age Movement where Jesus is nothing more than an ascended master called “master jesus” (not the Lord Jesus Christ but an imposter jesus).

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Even the supposed “aliens” which are actually demonic interdimensional beings apparently mention this about Jesus, which pretty much proves they are lying demons and not aliens from outer space.

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They deny the deity of Christ; they are antichrist by the definition of the Bible. Satan continues his deceptive ways, by promising that there is an advantage from eating the fruit that they will be on equal footing with God or at least like a God, knowing the difference between good and evil. What Satan will never tell anyone is that there are consequences of sin, namely death and banishment from the Garden for disobeying God.

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Satan seeks to make us discontented with our lot in life. He wants us to appear to be thankless and ungrateful to God in an attempt to have God stop loving us. Lucifer despite his willing rebellion has and never will get over the scorn he now feels that God has already and forever judged him beyond repentance and forgiveness. He is the source of the discontent and misery for he has an abundance of it and he wants everyone else to be miserable along with him.

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Even though Adam and Eve were living in the paradise of the Garden of Eden and had immortality at their fingertips, Satan came in with just a sliver of opportunity and busted the door wide open with the planting of discontentment. Satan gave Adam and Eve a sense of entitlement, that they should be gods themselves much like what he wanted to be in his defiance of God. Satan is the one that drives ego and a false sense of superiority, that is why he is the one behind racism which really has it’s origins in ignorance. Satan loves ignorance.

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How else can one explain those who go around professing themselves as God, when clearly, they are sinners just like you and I, with all the imperfections and flaws that go along with it. Yet many will call believers hypocrites and they are right; believers are hypocrites because they are sinners.

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It is the buying into of Satan’s lies about the sense of entitlement where this comes from. We must never forget Satan’s agenda and to understand that agenda we must understand who he was and where he came from. He was Lucifer and at one time the Leader of God’s celestial worship team. He was of course a master musician but one also would think he was even then very charismatic.

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He would have had to been given that his ego displaced his position in the heavenly ranks. It was this sense of entitlement on Lucifer’s part where he wanted to be exalted as equivalent to the Most High God Almighty.

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Lucifer, (now known as Satan once cast down to Earth) wanted to profess himself as God, and his fall to Earth did nothing but bruise the biggest ego in the history of all creation.

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By planting the same desire that he had in Adam and Eve, Satan is trying to get his revenge on God. Since his plans was and continues to be to ruin and disrupt mankind’s chance of redemption with God (something he missed out on), Satan is looking for revenge on God for wrecking his plans. Still, Satan knows he can deceive Adam and Eve into being ruined as well. Nowadays he has set his eyes on you and all followers of Christ as his targets. What’s your “apple” you’re reaching for?

Furthermore, Satan wanted Adam and Eve to become suspicious that God was holding back granting them, their very wish. Not only was he trying to build discontentment, he wanted them to become suspicious and even resentful about whether God really had their best intentions in mind.  Satan wants us to think God is depriving us when in reality God is keeping us from harm. That sin we think is fun or harmless at the time, well it leavens the whole loaf, that means it spoils everything and sin for a season will eventually lead to death, the second death, which is for all eternity. We can see the tricks, the attempts at manipulation, and the wiles of the devil in play here. The deception, the lies, the seduction into false beliefs, now begin to paint a picture for us of how an individual can be seduced into bondage to sin, a false religion, a cult or a belief system that offers or claims to give you the same results as a relationship with the true God of the Universe, Yahweh.

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Where did all this come from, it came from the early mystical occult writings of Madam Blavatsky

and Aleister Crowley (aka the Beast and deemed the evilest man to ever live on the planet)

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although Adolf Hitler and others may have a right to that claim as well). Crowley and Blavatsky in particular along with Jack Parsons

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back in the 1940’s and 1950’s conjured up many a demon and are believed to have opened a gateway to the demonic, a porthole to make demons more accessible to humans here on Earth. Jack was obsessed with an occult project he called Babylon Working and some of the demonic entities he encountered are pictured below.

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Image result for Jack Parsons DeathNASA’s Occult Physicists REVEALED - Science or Magic? - Magic of ScienceSee the source image

It is these same demon entities and lying spirits and familiar spirits who are convincing people that they are in the process of becoming divine. Modern day Satanists will tell you that all Satanism really is, is the worship of self. The results are the same however as God is not glorified, the self is. This pleases Satan.

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It is the ultimate form of humanism now often called transhumanism, the ascension of man into the godly ranks without God’s assistance, help or redemption.

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This is a return to the evil time of rebellion when the Tower of Babel was built and interestingly enough a time when Nimrod was there to instruct it’s building.

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Is Nimrod going to return somehow? It is even possible?  We see that same spirit of rebellion today in the building of CERN and what they want to accomplish with it. We will speak more about that soon as well as build a strong connection to the possible return of Nimrod as well in the last days.

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Look at what the New Agers believe is happening right now. They believe they are ushering in a new age of Aquarius, a new age where we all can have the Christ Consciousness in us where false teachers promote that if we can get this harmonic convergence going properly,

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we can evolve and then we can have a share of divinity and be just like Jesus.  So much of this rubbish is left over hippie /drug induced mindlessness from the 70’s that is sure to amuse Satan for all those who have been deceived by it. Most of the hippies that could not move on from the 70’s in fact joined the New Age movement so that they could remain “enlightened” which is either a trance like state or a drug induced state. To them it is just a matter of time when those that have been evolved will move on, perhaps even be taken from their ascended masters (demons disguising themselves as spirit guides) or they will just leave their physical bodies behind and only dwell as spiritual beings in the new plain of consciousness. Those who are left behind, God fearing, Bible believing folks, well they just won’t fit into this New Age, this Brave New World (the New World Order) unless their minds are “rehabilitated”. All those that take this in are being seduced into a false Satanic religion headed up by none other than the devil himself.

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It is these same false teachings that also lead people astray into cults and a belief system that does not honor God. Of course, the other very popular false teaching is that there is more than one way to God (which we are told by Jesus clearly in scripture is not true).

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Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. NO ONE COMES TO THE FATHER BUT THROUGH THE SON YESHUA. Jesus never said he is just one way among many ways. HE IS THE ONLY WAY, THE ONLY TRUTH AND THE ONLY SOURCE OF LIFE for us. It always has been this narrow and uncompromising perspective that anti Christians call extreme and fanatical and intolerant even hateful and bigoted, and yes, we agree, it is intolerant- God does not tolerate sin. It’s as if practioners of sin, want to hold onto their sin so bad that they will create the god of their own vain imaginations and give way in these last days to the itching ears that cater to seducing spirits and doctrines of demons just as scripture says. This is a form of IDOLATRY.

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You see God being compromised in many “so called churches“ in so many ways from the so called “anointed” worship music and the false teachings that abound.  Ask yourself the following question, does any of what is seen below belong in the Church? (Which is commonly referred to as “The Body of Christ.”)Image result for worldly church gifImage result for worldly church gifRelated image
Looks more like a hip hop concert then Church, doesn’t it? This whole thinking of, “we are just meeting the kids where they are at”, is just an excuse for a compromised watered-down gospel that even delivered is not the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It is of the World, it is of Satan, the Dragon.


Let’s now show you just how much Satan has infiltrated the Church, as we see case after case of demonic affliction and even demonic possession taking place with so called Christians. You be the judge.

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The idea that the Church and the World can have a friendly compromise is nothing more than Idolatry the worship of the god of your own imagination and not the worship of the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and certainly not the Lord of Lords and King of Kings. Many are being led astray by the “pied pipers” and siren callings of the World today as the blind continue to lead the blind.

The Bible makes it clear that in 1 John 4:1-3 Every spirit that confesses Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God, and every spirit that does not confess Jesus, is not from God. Pretty black and white, we’d say. Why is this so common and happening so much now a days?

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We are told in the last days, people will give way to unsound doctrine and opt out from the truth of scripture, in favor of hearing what they want to hear about God and about themselves. They will listen to people like Oprah Winfrey who takes Christianity and wraps it around a heavy dose of New Age belief systems. It is Oprah Winfrey who has stated many times in front of her millions of her TV viewers that there must be multiple paths to God and that Jesus is just one of them. Sound familiar? It should, it’s just another one of Satan’s lies.

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2 Timothy 4:3 For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions.

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Those that write these books like “A course in miracles” and “Your God Get Over It”, along with millions of others (go to your local bookstore and see for yourself) are all sources of great misinformation about God’s True Intent as the Creator, OUR “Abba” Father God and our own identity as the created not the creator. We are not God, never have been and we never will be, we are lost sinners with no way to the Father but through Jesus who paid for our sins with his death and his resurrection serves as our one and only source of redemption when we accept him as our ONE and ONLY SAVIOR and put all our faith solely on him. Image result for there is only one path to god jesus christ

Anything else that Oprah Winfrey or anyone else for that matter tells you that all religions are the same and there are many paths that lead to God are lies from the pit of Hell! Does it really matter what Oprah has to say or even think when it is contrary to not just The Bible but to Jesus’s very own words?

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Satan’s lies to confuse those seeking God
Image result for a course in miracles is new age deceptionConfusion and incorrect information are all tools of Satan

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Satan wants non-believers to treat following Christ as a mere religion and not a relationship with God. Satan, the devil, the serpent knows the truth of who Yeshua is despite his lies and he knows his time is very short and so he will keep trying to get more and more people to bite from the tainted apple he provides, the low-lying fruit of lies if you will.

See the source imageImage result for Satan's lies to Christians about GodSatan's Lies We Believe - Canyon Del Oro Baptist Church

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Satan will keep telling people what they want to hear, that they don’t need God for their salvation, they can find it within themselves and they can do whatever they please and there are no moral consequences for doing so. Satan will tell those who will listen, that they have plenty of time and that a little sin won’t hurt them, as God will always forgive them anyways. These are nothing but lies from the pit of hell! Sinning for a season is one thing but sin ultimately leads to death, the second death, the death from God (departure from God for all eternity). The unfortunate and the gullible will bite from the apple and find it bitter because it will be bittersweet. It will taste good for a moment and then they will discover the worm in the apple. The worm’s name is wormwood.

See the source imageImage result for a worm in the appleBible Prophecy and You: Armageddon and the Day of the Lord | United Church of Godpuricare chronicles: WORMWOOD AND BIBLE PROPHECY - While most people do not pay much attention to the new planets, people who have heard about Planet X and the mysterious Wormwood object inImage result for wormwood the bible gif

In the Book of Revelation, the third angel sounds his trumpet, a star falls from the sky into the water and the lakes and rivers become bitter and poisonous and many people die from it when they drink the contaminated water out of desperation for any liquid at all to satisfy their thirst.

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As we can see the ultimate deception of Satan is his own deception of his failure to accept that he can’t win against God no matter what he does. He is blinded to this though he knows his time is short. In his attempts to duel with God he has blinded himself with his pride and arrogance, hatred and jealousy, his anger and stubbornness and refusal to repent when he could have simply done that and perhaps with God’s Infinite Mercy and Grace, avoided the rebellion and casting out from Heaven by God.  Instead, Satan is as smug and defiant as ever in thinking he is right, and God is wrong.

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Satan will pay the ultimate price for his transgressions; he will pay ultimately with his very existence. When he is finally thrown into the abyss once and for all. He gets his wish along with what I am sure has to be his own nightmare. He gets to be without God forever and ever in his own personal hell.

See the source imageSee the source imageImage result for Dante's Inferno LuciferImage result for Satan Cast into HellPin on Satan, Demons, & HellIs The Devil In Charge Of Hell? | Bible Study Guides | Amazing Facts

He is the leader just like he wanted to be and as such gets to lead by example in being tormented forever along with all the fallen angels he duped along with mankind which serve as a lesson to man if they are willing to pay heed.

Image result for sons of god in genesis 6Image result for the sons of God in the BibleBattle over the Nephilim | Answers in GenesisDownload Sons Of God Mp4 & 3gp | FzMovies

Mystery # 5 -Sons of God: Who Are They? -Were the “Sons of God”  Fallen Angels?The Bene Ha Elohim, is Hebrew for the Sons of God. Just who are the “Sons of God” mentioned in Genesis 6:2 & 4?

See the source imageImage result for Bene Ha ElohimSONS OF GOD MARRYING THE DAUGHTERS OF MEN. Mystery revealed. - Trevor Eghagha

Are the Nephilim really the offspring of the Fallen Angels (the Sons of God) as many have come to the conclusion or are the Sons of God simply men of renown that married unbelievers against God’s Wishes? What are the outcomes and implications of these different views? Join us as we look at the Mystery of the “Sons of God” together right now on Mysteries of the Bible. There are just as many questions as there are a number of different ideas out there as to who these Bene Ha Elohim or the “Sons of God” are, as the scripture verse, we are about to cover, is referring to. Before we dig into this too far, let’s look at the key bible verses for any potential clues.

Genesis 6 V.1, And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the Earth and daughters were born unto them V.2 That the Sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose. V.4 There were giants in the Earth in those days; and also after that, when the Sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men. Which were of old, men of renown.

There is support really for 2 views biblically on the sons of God (instead of a parenthesis we will use a lower case for sons as it applies to sons of God moving forward, and the reason for that will be made known as we move along). Here at Mysteries of the Bible, we believe it is plausible to consider these views however we believe only one is the correct one. So, we present them as they are, views for your consideration. In the interest of fairness, we will look at both of them. The less sensational viewpoint is that the sons of God were actually descendants of Enosh, Adam’s Grandson and of the Sethite lineage.

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These men were faithful to God at least until they were seduced by the women of the World including the Cainites, who were the daughters of men. This was an ungodly mixing that defied God’s Wishes and a major reason why Noah’s line was selected as not being contaminated by this “mixing.”

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In Genesis 4:26, we read that in the days of Enosh, men began to call upon the name of the Lord.

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These men who called on the name of the Lord were subsequently referred to as the sons or Children of God.

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Romans 8:14 refers to the sons of God as well. Those led by the Spirit of God are described as being the sons of God. The Apostle Paul explains who the sons and Children of God are and applies it to the description of the Israelites in the Old Testament. This is consistent with Moses’ description as well of the Israelites found in Deuteronomy 32: 5.

So if the sons of God were men, then what was happening was believers in God were marrying and having relations with unbelievers and their offspring (which we will get into next) were on the unusual side to say the least.

So, what of the offspring being mentioned as Giants in Genesis 6 V.4 ? As many know and has been highly documented in countless websites and books, the term giants in the Hebrew translation is Nephilim or the Fallen Ones, the origin of the word in Aramaic being Nahill and the term is only used 3 times in the entire Bible. In Genesis 6:4, once and twice in the book of Numbers 13:33, which reads, There also we saw the Nephilim (the Sons of Anak are part of the Nephilim) and we became like grasshoppers in our own sight, and so we were in their sight. It sounds like giants looking down at normal size people and seeing them as Insects, doesn’t it?

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The Sons of Anak were the giants in the land of Canaan in the days of Moses. Most everyone knows Goliath, the most famous of all giants in the Bible. Goliath was just one of the many giants still around in the days of David.Image result for sons of anak He was a Nephilim. The Bible also refers to some of the giants as The Rephaim.

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Absurd Conservamemes on Twitter: "This was posted by a lady named "Brenda"… "

The Hebrew word Rephaim has two distinct meanings: first, in poetic literature it refers to departed spirits whose dwelling place was Sheol. It is a figurative description of the dead, similar to our concept of a ghost. The second meaning of Rephaim is “a mighty people with tall stature” who lived in Canaan.

Here is the one thing that is often forgotten when the Nephilim are being discussed. All the Nephilim that is the true giants if you will, were completely wiped out and destroyed in the Flood according to God’s Word which states all living things save the ones on the Ark, human and animal alike, were completely and utterly destroyed off the face of the Earth in the Flood. So, one thing we can draw upon then is that the Sons of Anak were not descendants of the Nephilim mentioned in Genesis 6. The Nephilim in Moses’s Day must have been given the sons of God reference in the context of the mighty men of old. There is no correlation between the Sons of Anak who were described as giants on the Earth and the men of renown of Noah’s day.

Genesis 6:4 alludes to the same men of renown. These mighty men of renown were the Kings and Princes and the heroes of the day (almost like celebrities are worshiped as Idols today). These men succumbed to the beauty of the seductresses of the women of the World, and they created an unholy alliance of the sons of God and the daughters of men. The Nephilim were born out of this unholy alliance and ruled the World but only Noah found favor in the eyes of the Lord (Genesis 6:8).

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2nd Peter and Jude refer to the sons of God. Who were they addressing as the sons of God? Is it possible Peter and Jude were referring to the fact God had judged both Man and angels for their sins in the past and he would do so again in the future? We know that angels do sin, the Fallen Angels just being one example of that. This is view # 1. Now let’s take a look at just what might make more sense when we take everything we know into consideration.
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View # 2, and the one that is quite popular on the web, is that the sons of God in Genesis 6 are indeed the offspring of the Fallen Angels. In Job 1:6 we have reference to angels being the sons of God.

Job 1:6 Now there was a day when the Sons of God came to present themselves before the Lord and unto Satan came also among them.

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So here Satan is accompanying the sons of God who are most likely properly identified as Angelic beings. So, we know one thing about Satan he is going back and forth from the Earth (where he is a roaring Lion seeking whom he will devour) into Heaven where he is contesting issues with the Lord. One place Satan is not, is in Hell at least not at this time, contrary to all the “cartoonish and stereotypical” portrayals of him. He will not be there until he is finally thrown into the Abyss at the end of the Book of Revelation. Back to the Fallen Angels, they were taking human women, the daughters of men and were bearing offspring together as revealed in Genesis 6:4. It was this mixing of DNA that God found to be an abomination and only Noah’s family still had a pure DNA line that was yet to be contaminated by the Fallen Angels. We know from an earlier MOB how important keeping DNA strains pure, is to God, as the creator of all things.

These offspring were the giants which we know translates from Hebrew the word Nephilim. It is interesting to note that in Peter as we already discussed we find out that some of the angels have already sinned and in Jude the theme continues, as we learn that some angels did not keep their own domain and were ultimately judged by God. Is this a reference to the Fallen Angels or demons coming to Earth to have relations with the daughters of men? The Jude reference is especially of interest here, it points to the fact that the angels engaging in improper activities was comparative to Sodom and Gomorrah when the cities inhabitants went after strange flesh.

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The Earth was involved in wickedness of all sorts in Noah’s time, and this lends many who study scripture to come to the conclusion that the sons of God are indeed Fallen Angels. These were the ones who bore their children, that became the Nephilim, and the Rephaim (the dead ones). One thing that is challenging to the theory that Fallen Angels had relations with women of the Earth is the concept that Fallen Angels, demons and Spirit beings have no material substance containing DNA that we know of. Can a spirit being procreate with a physical being when DNA might not be present, so how can there be any offspring? If there is no way to conceive reproduction from the lack of sperm with an Egg how can procreation take place? The only wrinkle in this perspective is that nowhere in the Bible does God say angels are sexless to the point they can’t have sex or even perform the functions of conception, in fact there is strong evidence that angels have taken on both masculine and feminine human like forms on more than one occasion.

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In fact the whole demonic background of Incubus and Succubus centers around demons having sex with humans and actual semen being extracted (in the case of men). This is not a subject that anyone but a mature minded person should be reading about so once again reader discretion and discernment is advised. Then there is all this modern day talk of case after case of supposed Alien (demons disguising themselves as Aliens) abductions that involves in many instances the extraction of sperm with Men and the extraction of fetuses and other related situations with Women.

Could it be these Demons, disguising themselves as Aliens are stealing DNA in these abductions, in order to come up with the perfect hybrid and the paving of the way, to the Antichrist, who will be the devil incarnate? There is even some speculation now that DNA will play a role in the coming Antichrist’s rise to power as Nimrod and the Mystery Babylon religion is resurrected. Some even think Hitler will somehow return from the dead. All this is speculation of course.

While we do not want to speculate on such cases that cannot be validated, the eerie sense that we have returned to similar days as of Noah’s time, the last days when the Earth is once again filled with violence. In Noah’s time, the Fallen Angels were also having relationships with women in order to produce offspring.

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much like what sounds is happening today with women apparently having their babies being stolen from their wombs during an “alien abduction” which is nothing more than a satanic ritual.

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As well look at the offspring of the Genesis 6 mixing of humans and Fallen Angels, freakishly giant hybrids, half human, half demonic.  When they were wiped out by the Flood, they became disembodied evil spirits that needed a host body, what better a body then one of these hybrid half human/ half animal/ half demon creations the Fallen Angels had created? Are the Demons trying to mix the races and upset the balance and order that God has created? The Demons know God detests an unholy mixing of Fallen Angels, animals and the human race. can it be true? Is there really a whole floor devoted to “alien” hybrid experiments called “Nightmare Alley” at the underground Dulce, New Mexico highly secretive army base? We may or may not ever find out, but the concern is there, of what if they get out of there?

Image result for nightmare alley dulce baseImage result for true leaked out actual shots of real aliens Image result for true leaked out actual shots of real aliens Image result for leaked alien body footage gifUfo Gif - IceGifSo, the Navy just admitted the Blink-182 guy leaked actual UFO footage - Fast Company

As crazy as it sounds should this surprise anyone that we have gone that far down the “rabbit hole” when it comes to defying God? It shouldn’t be.

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Is it all being done in hopes of creating a rebellious Anti God Hybrid race of half-breed Human / Demons who will do the will of Satan, with no questions asked? These truly are Satan’s Children including the so-called Black-Eyed Children and every other hybrid monstrosity.

Is this the Antichrist’s Army being built before our eyes? If the Demons can shape shift into a Human form, then Procreation may very well be something that has happened in the past and is happening right now.

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The Nephilim are the sons of the Fallen Angels and are the Demons surrounding us that we can’t see with our eyes.  However, the hybrid offspring have a physical body, and they have a humanoid appearance but make no mistake about it, they are demonic in origin.

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It is believed many of these humanoid types are flying the actual flying saucers we keep seeing in the skies while the spiritual disembodied ones we can see as orbs. Now let’s not get confused with UFO’s (physical flying saucers) and the orbs, those are the shimmering white lights that are the disembodied demons and were originally the Nephilim that were destroyed in the Flood trying to now morph themselves into a ball-like shape to create the deception of a UFO surveillance taking place. Here is what they really are exposed for your own examination. Do these look-like flying saucers to you?  Look at all the demonic faces you can see.

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No matter what view you believe, we know that God will prevail over evil in the End and if we are to join Jesus, (Yeshua as he is known in Hebrew) and be overcomers as he is, then we need to do it with the strength of God through his Holy Spirit. In these last days, there is already a great apostasy and a major falling away from God taking place and God himself has said there will be a great delusion upon the Earth, so that many will believe the lies they see before them. Many will doubt God and turn to the dark arts for answers. Many will believe these demonic beings the World has been fooled into believing are actual aliens who are divine beings even their saviors of their planet and their very creators and to some that are deceived, even us from the future. They are only demonic beings, nothing more, nothing less.

We live in a World of lies and deception that is all around us, even in the Church. Some of those living a life of lies and deception are people attending Church right now and are living a life of denial about their relationship with the Lord. Before it’s too late, a reality check is in order, come clean with Jesus and repent.

See the source imageSee the source imageSee the source image25 Important Bible Verses About Sin (6 Powerful Truths To Know)Image result for living a wordly christian lifeImage result for wordly christiansSee the source image

Renew your mind, put off the old self and be cleansed and move forward in obedience to the Lord with the new identity that God has for you to assume through the power of His Holy Spirit. This is the important take away here and not whether the sons of God are not aliens but demons. By knowing history and learning from it, we avoid repeating and being doomed by it once again beloved, even if the days are as the Days of Noah

Up next…our next mystery in Genesis is…

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How big was Noah’s ark (was Noah’s ark the biggest of all time)? - Christian Faith Guide2000 Year Old Remains Of Noah's Ark Discovered By Archeologists | HorizonTimes

Mystery # 6: Noah’s Ark: It’s Whereabouts

Image result for Genesis 8:4Noah’s Ark in Genesis 8:4 reads And the Ark came to rest at a particular location as described in the following verse, And the Ark rested in the seventh month, and the seventeenth day of the month, upon the Mountains of Ararat.

Image result for Genesis 8:4So what happened to Noah’s Ark? Is it still in the Mountains of Ararat or has it been eroded by time or decimated and destroyed by the impact of the flood? If it is still there, where can it be found or has someone found it already and we just don’t know about it? That doesn’t seem likely as how could something so monumental be kept secret to the masses? So many questions. Let’s look for some answers as we turn to our next Mystery of the Bible, the mystery of Noah’s Ark.

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We search for as much truth as we are allowed given the information available to us. By the time we are finished here we will be able to answer whether or not this mystery can be unraveled or not. I am sure we can all agree that if the Ark could be found what a truly amazing biblical find it would be. Instant credibility would be generated between Bible scoffers, atheists and agnostics alike. Despite the “proof” that has been presented and the TV specials and documentaries over the past 20 -30 years,


So, have we proven the Ark exists? Let’s find out by looking at some occurrences centering around the Ark and it’s whereabouts. So, let’s start with where we think the Ark might be located “if” it still could be found, that is if it has not already been found.

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Mount Judi which is part of Sirnak Province in the Southeastern Anatolia Region of Turkey is the place according to the Bible where Noah’s Ark finally came to a rest at the completion of the flood.

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Mount Ararat is the highest peak of the Armenian Highland, located in present day Turkey. The Mountains of Ararat is a reference to a region and not a specific mountain, so in reality it could be anyone of the peaks that are part of the Mountains of Ararat. Included in the possibilities are Mt. Judi of course but as well Mt.Lubar, Mt.Baris and Mt. Nisir as potential candidates where Noah’s Ark may have rested.

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Where things get a bit dodgy is that there is some conjecture that the Mountains of Ararat included not just those of Armenia but also the taller mountain ranges extending into Asia. Sir Walter Raleigh, the famous English adventurer believed that the Ark landed somewhere in the orient, since Armenia is not actually East of Shinar, and he was convinced that this was a key clue to the Ark’s whereabouts.

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So here is the obvious question. If we know where the Ark is, why haven’t we found it yet? At least why wouldn’t it be discovered and then be considered one of the greatest Biblical Anthropological findings in Human history and the subject of every news telecast, web-based news feature and the headline of every newspaper in the World? As reported on the web in 2010, a press conference was held in Hong Kong and the subject matter was that the remains of Noah’s Ark had indeed been discovered on Mt. Ararat, not the Mountains of Ararat but the actual Mt. Ararat itself.

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As the story goes allegedly, a Chinese Turkish Team of explorers found a wooden structure buried on the actual Mt. Ararat. It sounds very exciting until you hear that the wood specimens gathered from this Ark-like structure were tested and the dating findings indicated that the wood specimens were approximately 4,800 years old. The estimations of how long ago the flood was is approximately 4,359 years ago and sometime around the year 2348 BC. At an initial glance when you do the math it looks like it might work, and this might be the actual wood from the Ark.

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The problem or challenge to this premise stems from the type of wood and how old it would have been at the time of the flood and experts believe it needs to be much older than 4,800 years. The test results of the wood specimens seemed to indicate the wood did not come from the Ark as they were thought to not be nowhere near old enough to qualify. No indisputable proof, no scientific evidence after many expeditions has given any credence that the Ark still exists on any Mountain already explored. It is always possible there are Mountain peaks yet to be explored that might prove otherwise.

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There are those who insist Noah’s Ark has been found and there is some sort of cover up to make sure it is not made known to the general public. How could something of that magnitude be hidden one wonders. One such story includes pictures on the web of some Ark shape made in the rocky terrain at an altitude of 6,300 feet, near the Turkish / Iran border.

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This begs the question, if remnants of the Ark were found what would be left at this point and time? Can we expect anything to still remain in the way of evidence? Once again despite the pictures and the information provided about this so called “finding”, no one can prove that this is the actual and undisputed final resting place of the actual Ark. All we are left with is conjecture and one would think that if God wanted us to really know the location of the Ark, he would have made it known to us by now, much like any other Biblical Archeological remains for that matter. Maybe it’s more a matter of faith that like everything else about God, we just have to have faith, we just have to believe. This is what happened to Noah’s Ark explorer Kevin Devries, who was searching for Noah’s Ark and ended with him searching and finding faith not in Noah’s Ark, but in God himself. What is more important, that we at Mysteries of the Bible think that what God wants us to take away from the Noah’s Ark story, is that God left us a rainbow after the Flood and now after every time it rains to this very day we are reminded of God’s Grace and Mercy. It was the very first rainbow that appeared on the Earth and serves as a reminder of God’s Eternal Grace and a reminder that God would never flood the Earth ever again at least not to the degree he did with the Biblical Flood. This is indisputable for anyone who believes in the validity of God’s Holy Scriptures.

Up next…our next mystery in Genesis is…

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Mystery # 7: The Tower of Babel

The Mystery of the Tower of Babel. Some would say where is there a mystery here? Let’s look at the scriptures and then we can see if we have a bible mystery on our hands or not. First of all let’s get a sense of where the Tower was located.

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Genesis 11 V.4. And they said Go to let us build us a city and a tower, whose top may reach unto heaven; and let us make us a name, lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth.V.5. And the Lord came down to see the city and the tower, which the children of men builded.V.8 So the Lord scattered them abroad from thence upon the face of all the earth; and they left off to build the city.

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So we read these verses and the logical question we ask and want to know is, what exactly happened to the Tower of Babel? It’s presumed it was destroyed by many and yet there is no mention of it’s actual destruction in scripture. This may be where the mystery lies in part anyways as we shall see. We know this much, a tower was built in the City of Babel and Southern Mesopotamia was the place where the City was located at the time, on the plain of Shinar.

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Some Biblical researchers and Archeologists believe today that all that remains of the original tower is part of a jagged base cut out of stone and rock.

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Others are not so convinced that this is indeed the Tower of Babel and point to other ruins as the site that they believe is where the Tower resides.

Image result for Tower of Babel Ruins TodayThe name for the Tower of Babel in Hebrew is Migdal Bavel and some scholars believe that which is known as a Ziggurat which is a massive structure which holds a slight resemblance to a type of terraced step pyramid which was originally built to worship the Mesopotamian God Marduk.

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This was decreed by Nabopoloassar originally, the King of Babylonia in 610 BC. It was none other than Alexander the Great who demolished the Ziggurats during the wars he declared on the land of Mesopotamia. While the Bible never uses the phrase “Tower of Babel” we have reference to the city and the tower in V. 5 of Genesis 11. The main purpose of this story is to explain the origin of the different tongues of the Earth and why God found it necessary to confuse everyone from further building and completing the city which would have ultimately become a City of Rebellion against God. What did the Tower represent that God detested so much?

See the source imageSee the source imageImage result for humanism gifImage result for transhumanism gifImage result for MAN'S QUEST TO BE GODThe Fascinating Story of the Tower of Babel

It is something very much alive today -humanism and today trans-humanism which is the worship of man over God. The Tower remains to this day a symbol of humanism as well as the evilness of Nimrod

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who orchestrated the entire construction of the Tower itself. The Tower represents man’s efforts to reach Heaven on his own terms and his efforts without the need for God’s Divine Intervention. The Tower was a symbol for Satanism and was nothing short of demonic. The Tower of Babel was a place where man could worship himself in rebellion of God by doing things his way and not God’s Way.

Genesis nowhere mentions the destruction of the tower. The people of the city merely stopped building the remainder of the city once their language was confused by strange foreign tongues

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and they of course then became scattered across the earth much like what we have to this present day (in large concentrations of high dense populations anyways). The Tower was already built at that time of the scattering of the people of the city.  It was abandoned completely and void of any human life. In different accounts and in different literature (that are not in the Bible so they cannot be anything more than conjecture at this time) it was stated that a great wind knocked the tower down and, in another account, the tower was burnt, the bottom was swallowed up and the middle was left standing to erode over time. There sadly is no way of proving any of this. So ultimately the only remaining question we can ask is, are there any remains of the Tower still in existence today? If so, where can we locate these ruins from the Tower?

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Ancient Babylon or Babel, was 65 miles south of what was once Mesopotamia and is now known as modern Baghdad, Iraq on the plain called Shinar as we already discussed. The centerpiece of the City of Babel was the Tower. Any ruins to be found would be located in Iraq in somewhat close proximity to Baghdad. Here is where the true challenge is and the remainder of what makes this mystery complex and hard to solve. The Ziggurat was built as a prototype that was intended to be copied throughout the entire surrounding region around Babel, so it would be extremely easy to confuse the original Ziggurat for a copy; especially in later centuries.

Image result for Bible Babel MapScientists have made a good attempt to unearth the ruins of the tower, such was the case of Scientist and Theologian Henry Morris, who back in the 1800’s took note of the proposed dimensions and appearance of the Ziggurat in great detail by the remaining ruins alone.  Apparently, none other than Saddam Hussein was obsessed with building an exact duplicate of the Tower of Babel and spent millions of dollars in plans to develop and reconstruct it.

Image result for sadam hussein trying to rebuild the Tower of BabelThe most logical explanation of the original Tower of Babel is the one that demystifies this as a mystery altogether. Scripture indicates that the Tower was completely vacated and abandoned and eventually time and erosion got the better of the Tower and it fell to inevitable ruins. The ruins of the original Tower of Babel do exist to this very day at the site of ancient Babylon in Iraq near Baghdad.

See the source imageHowever at the same time we say this, it is duly noted that the Tower was destroyed and rebuilt a number of times during the antiquity, and it is virtually impossible to know how much of the present-day ruins date back to the days of Nimrod (when the account of Genesis 11 V. 1- 9 was being described). It’s even speculated that the original site of the Tower of Babel might be completely submerged under water do to its proximity to the Euphrates River.

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This is the same Euphrates River spoken about in Revelation 9 when the 4 demonic angels will come out of The Euphrates River

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where they are bound temporarily and will be loosed upon the Earth and will slay 1/3 of the World’s population. There can be no doubt there is something very supernatural about the Euphrates River, some say it is even a portal or gateway to Hell.

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More then anything, the focus here is not so much a great Archeological finding from ancient Bible days of a Tower, but the fact that this story found in Genesis 11 V. 1-9 deals with a clear message from God that this early attempt to defy him by building a New World Order where everything would be the same (one world language) was not going to be tolerated or accepted or even permissible by a holy and righteous God. God dealt a hand of judgment to those who would chose to rebel against him as he always has and always will. Prophecy reveals God will do it again in the near future when another attempt at the New World Order tries to unseat God’s Sovereign  Reign only to end in utter futility, as we know how the book ends.

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What is being attempted at CERN is today’s version of the Tower of Babel, which was and continues to be man’s attempt to reach the Heavenlies on his own merit through an artificially created portal.

It did not work then and it certainly is not going to work, now. Not with God in control and at the reigns. Man is making a foolish mistake in trying to open spiritual portals and they have no idea what they are letting in or out in the way of principalities in high places.

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At some point and time during the Time of Jacob’s Trouble (The Great Tribulation) they are going to find out when the Abyss is opened up.

See the source imageThey are not going to like what comes out of the pit of Hell, no one will. They should have left the Tower alone and never built it and they should have never started up with CERN in the first place either. There are other buildings that have since been built that seem to eerily remind one of man’s desire to be as God or perhaps to at least do as he pleases without God’s Involvement. Humanism is just another Antichrist vehicle the devil uses.

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God as he always does, will have the last laugh so as to say, but he won’t be laughing. It pains him greatly to see his creation, man rebel against him and forcing his hand to avenge his righteousness and holiness once thoroughly provoked. After all, God is a Holy and Just God.
Next up…

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Mystery # 8: Sodom and Gomorrah

The foundation for what we are presenting here all centers on Scripture and for that reason, let’s turn to it now to examine a much covered subject and the topic of discussion in our next selected mystery from the Book of Genesis.

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Genesis 19 V. 24: 25. 26: 28 V.24 Then the Lord rained upon Sodom and upon Gomorrah brimstone and fire from the Lord out of heaven. V.25 And he overthrew those cities, and all the plains, and all the inhabitants of the cities and that which grew upon the ground.

V.26 But his wife looked back from behind him, and she became a pillar of salt. V.28 And he looked toward Sodom and Gomorrah, and toward all the land of the plain, and beheld, and lo, the smoke of the country went up as the smoke of a furnace.

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Maybe no other story in the Old Testament outside of either Noah and the Flood or the 10 commandments gathers as much attention or strikes the imagination as does the story of Sodom and Gomorrah. Perhaps it is the demonstrative wrath of a vengeful God or Lot’s wife turning into a pillar of stone, whatever it is, it remains one of the most talked about Old Testament stories to this very day. Today we will focus not so much on the lessons learned of Sodom and Gomorrah, which certainly speak today like never before. Instead, we will focus on the reality and proof that it even took place as it remains one of the greatest Mysteries of the Bible. Sodom and Gomorrah were two cities and in truth, two kingdoms that were allied with the cities of Admah, Zeboiim and Zoar (Bele). These 5 cities comprised what was known as the Cities of the Plain and were situated on the Jordan River Plain in the Southern region of the land of Canaan.

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The plain is an area that is just north of the Dead Sea. It was a land that was well watered and green and continues to be that, to this very day. Sodom was located on the large oval shaped fertile plain. The destruction served by God and his Divine judgment involved the complete and utter annihilation of both Sodom and Gomorrah, as well as Admah and Zeboiim. Bele also known as Zoar, was the only city that was spared God’s Wrath. Only God knows why. Many theories and explanations have come about on just how the Cities were destroyed, with earthquakes being one of them.

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The most interesting theory that may have more validity then any other is the idea of a giant asteroid creating a cosmic impact with the Earth’s atmosphere and in doing so, creating the fire and brimstone the Bible is talking about.

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Was a real asteroid with catastrophic consequences used for divine purposes by God to complete his wrath upon Sodom and Gomorrah? Was this the reason that Lot’s wife looked back and got caught in the aftermath of flying ash that automatically created a glazed crystallization of her body form (pillar of salt description).

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There are as one can imagine all kinds of explanations out there as to how Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed and frankly the Bible does not support all of them. The depiction below is one of them. While interesting, it is speculation to say the least. While there have been a number of potential locations thought to be the actual sites of Sodom and Gomorrah. Perhaps the best candidate of them all is Tall el – Hammam.

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It is located in the Southern Jordan River Valley, approximately 8 miles northeast of the Dead Sea and it may fit the biblical description of the land of Sodom in the time of Abraham and Lot (estimated roughly to be between 1750 – 1650 B.C ).

Tall el – Hammam would appear at first glance to certainly be a big of enough area to qualify for the biblical city of Sodom. A sulfur laden ash layer was discovered containing human bone fragments. The burn level of the bones listed them as charred.

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Glazed pottery shards were discovered as well and they were supposed to not turn up until the middle ages and 800 years after the Abraham / Lot time frame. In addition Trinitite (that is stone that features glaze and a heated bottom side) was also discovered, which is usually found when there is extreme heat .

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The type of extreme heat we are talking about is much stronger then a burning fire common to a volcanic eruption. It was first considered but then upon further examination something far more catastrophic was in order. What could have caused this type of devastation? Such a massive inferno would have been required something catastrophic. What about the impact of an asteroid that would certainly fit the bill as catastrophic, wouldn’t it?

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The cosmic impact of a asteroid usually creates an impact crater if it was of any significance. However asteroids that explode in the atmosphere do create a cosmic airburst and if it was of the magnitude that would have been required to do the damage, it could have been the cause for the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. Emphasis on could have been.

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Asteroid Air bursts can produce tremendous energy and megatons of blasted energy could have smashed against the walls of bricks that Sodom and Gomorrah had plenty of. The Asteroid Air burst would also create a fireball with gases that would cause the devastation and destruction but also would have caused any pottery to become glazed amidst the massive inferno.

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The rock from the asteroid disintegrates before it hits the surface, it heats up as it goes into flames and shock waves are produced at 10’s of thousands of miles per hour. This could be the cause for the massive inferno depicted in scripture. Related imageNow let’s look at something else in V.26 concerning what happened to Lot’s wife. For centuries peculiar formations of crumbling crystallized rock had become associated with the story of Lot’s wife who as we already know looked back.

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During the time of Jewish Antiquity, Josephus declared that the pillar was still there and he had seen it himself. He was not alone, Clement of Rome, Irenaeus and Benjamin of Tudela all stated they had seen the pillar as well. Benjamin wrote of a strange formation that was visible in his day.

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Later writers told a different tale however that the crystalline rock formation ceased to exist. Were any of these peculiar formation sightings actually Lot’s wife? It is impossible to prove one way or another.

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Our final take away from the whole Sodom and Gomorrah “mystery” is not whether the ruins left to this day are the actual ones, but much like Noah’s Ark, it is a constant reminder that our God is a Righteous God and he is not to be provoked as the wicked and immoral people of Sodom and Gomorrah did to the degree God decided to destroy them all. It does look like History is about to repeat itself once again as a newer Sodom has taken place of the destroyed one.

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Perhaps the best perspective is the one from our Lord Jesus Christ, Yeshua Ha’ Mashiach (in Hebrew) from Luke 7 V. 28-32 in the New Testament. In this text, Jesus the Lord mentions that through the course of Human history on the Earth, man has repeatedly grown lax in his relationship with God and warned of the dire consequences of allowing this to happen. God has warned us time and again to avoid the same mistakes as Sodom and Gomorrah. Are we listening and do we even care what God has to say?

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Jesus mentions the days of Noah and when God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah as examples of times when a Just God poured out his wrath on a wicked and rebellious people. Jesus said as were the times of Noah so shall the coming of the Son of Man be in the last days and when Jesus comes back again, mankind will be caught ill prepared for his arrival as he returns as Lord of Lords and King of Kings. Those not ready for his return will be just like Lot’s wife, they will perish ultimately, they will look back, but it will be far too late. They will be locked in their sin much like Lot’s wife was locked into a pillar of crystallized salt. Lot’s wife loved the World and the things of this World and Jesus told us we cannot have 2 masters. We either love the Lord and hate the World or vice versa, but not both. Lot’s wife wanted to compromise, she longed for the World, so she had to look back and so she faced the consequences of doing so. So, to will everyone on the Earth, who is not ready for the Lord when he returns.

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Like a thief in the night the Lord shall come after the days of the Great Tribulation (known also as the Time of Jacob’s Trouble – a time where God’s dealing with Israel and an unbelieving World) and only those who have seeked out God’s Righteousness (that is the remaining true believers alive on the Earth, also known as the Tribulation Saints) will be either raised from the dead or will still be alive and caught up in the air to be with the Lord forever and ever. This is the Post Tribulation Rapture we are speaking about here. We will not get into it now, but at a later time we will explain why many believe there is a Pre -Tribulation Rapture which as it sounds is before the Great Tribulation (which many believe is the actual Rapture of the Church, Yeshua’s bride and part of his elect). This is the true message to a World in the last days before the coming of the Lord Almighty. Repent and watch and be ready for at a time as you think not the Son of Man comes. That is the message of this website that it really doesn’t matter so much as when the Lord comes back but that he is coming back and soon! We all need to get our house in order and be prepared.

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Our eternal and Blessed Hope is for the rapture of the Church for those ready to be caught up to be with him and for those who aren’t yet ready or do not know of the Lord, they await the ultimate return of our Lord Jesus after those 7 years of Great Tribulation.  At the same time, we need to be prepared that if it is required, for the saints to go through the 7 years to be prayed up and ready to do whatever it is that the Lord expects of us. Will you leave Sodom & Gomorrah (this Wicked World of ours behind) and not look back beloved, but instead look up, for your redemption draws nigh.

Our last Mystery in Genesis is..

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Mystery # 9: Jacob Wrestles with God : Two Encounters of the Supernatural

Beginning in Genesis 28 V.10-12 and carrying on into Genesis 32 V.24, it seems God is getting the attention of the struggling Jacob who just left Laban after serving many years as a hired hand (more like a servant) and the husband of 2 wives and many herds of cattle and other farm stock animals.

Let’s pick up where the troubled and weary Jacob has left Beersheba. In Genesis 28 V.10, Jacob has left Beersheba and set out for Haran. When he reached a certain place, he stopped for the night because the sun had set. Taking one of the stones there, he put it under his head and lay down to sleep.

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He had a dream in which he saw a stairway / ladder resting on the earth, with its top reaching to Heaven, and the angels of God were ascending and descending on it.

See the source imageIn Jacob’s dream or vision, he sees a ladder or Sullam in Hebrew, something that almost resembles a staircase that heads into the Heavenlies.

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This is in contrast to the Tower of Babel from Genesis 11 that we spoke about earlier, which was built with the intentions of Men reaching out to Heaven and man trying to find his own “man made” way to Heaven.

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Here it is as if, God is making Heaven accessible to man or Jacob in this instance. Here, conversely, God was providing a connection with man, coming down from the Heavenlies and then back up again as scripture mentions the angels ascending as well as descending. 

Some scholars see this as symbolism for the ladder representing Jesus the Messiah, Yeshua, the true ladder or access to the Father in Heaven. We know no flesh can dwell in Heaven and without Jesus; the ladder to the Father if you will, all mortal men would die in their sins. We also know from scripture that no one comes to the Father except through the Son, Jesus, the way, the truth, and the life. Jesus indeed is our connection to everlasting life and the eternal abode we know as Heaven.

Image result for Jesus is our connection to HeavenMore Supernatural occurrences happened to Jacob then this vision / dream. In Genesis 32 V.24, a conflicted Jacob, still weary from his travels and his internal struggles, passes out by the banks of the Jabbak River. Jacob is exhausted and fearful of what his embittered brother Esau will do when they meet. As we read in Genesis 32 V.24, And Jacob was left alone; and there wrestled a man with him unto the breaking of the day. Man in Hebrew is the word “ish”. The big debate is whether this was a real man that Jacob was wrestling with,

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an angelic being that Jacob mistook for a Man, or God, himself disguised as a Man. Is this perhaps another pre-incarnate appearance of Christ (God in the Flesh)?

See the source imageImage result for Did Jacob Wrestle GodImage result for Jacob Wrestling GodJacob WRESTLES with GOD Bible Study and Story of Genesis 32 - YouTube

We will get into all of that in a moment. What the debate centers around is the passage of scripture to follow, which states in Genesis 32 V.30, And Jacob called the name of the place Peniel: for I have seen God face to face, and my life is preserved.

See the source imageSee the source imageNow it is interesting to note that the Hebrew word for preserved is natsal which can mean save and deliver. Does this coincide with the fact that Jacob is also given a new name “Israel” which means Struggling with God? Did Jacob go through a conversion process more then just in name but spiritually as well? We will look into that as well in a moment. Let’s take a look at what everything appears to be about at the surface level to begin with.

Image result for Jacob and GodImage result for Jacob and GodImage result for Jacob and God

At first glance the depiction speaks about an angelic being visiting Jacob in the night. For whatever reason, which only God knows about, they get into a physical confrontation of sorts that lasted until daybreak the next day. This celestial being inflicts a blow to Jacob’s hip that not only disables him but leaves him crippled for life with a limp.  It also leaves him a changed man forever, in that now he has a heart filled with gratitude and worship towards God. The Bible uses the word “wrestled” to describe the encounter and the ensuing physical battle between Jacob and his heavenly visitor. Some scholars would say this was not a physical battle as much as a symbolic reference to Jacob’s internal struggles but that would make it hard to explain the injury Jacob sustains to his hip from the struggle in which a blow is described as being perpetrated by this supernatural visitor.

Where the big discussion lies however is the passage in Genesis 32: 30 which we covered above, that Jacob described the experience of seeing God face to face, and that his life was spared in the process. Jacob was blessed after the encounter with this mysterious visitor and Jacob was given the new name “Israel” which we already mentioned, means “struggling with God.” So was in fact this wrestling match just a metaphor or symbolism then a literal description of a supernatural and one-of-a-kind event?

Image result for Peniel the place where JACOB WRESTLED gODIt is interesting to note that Jacob was quite taken back by the fact that he saw God and lived. He was after all crippled for life by the event, and yet at the same time also blessed beyond measure.

Being crippled for life is no blessing that I am aware of, but could it be that the blessing was that Jacob saw God and was allowed to live? If God was in disguise that would have made sense as the Old Testament has a number of stories where a preincarnate Jesus disguised himself. Remember the 3 angels that approached Abraham, that were on their way to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah? One of them was different than the others, more divine in appearance.

Image result for pREINCARNATE APPERANCES OF jESUSImage result for pREINCARNATE APPERANCES OF jESUSSee the source imageImage result for preincarnate appearances of christ in the bible Image result for christophany in old testament 3 angels visit abrahamImage result for christophany in old testament

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Was this another example of a preincarnate vision of Jesus, Yeshua the Lord? Also interesting to note after Jacob’s struggle, his name is changed and his old self is done away with. If there was a spiritual conversion taking place who better but the Lord himself being the driving force behind it?
In Genesis 32, V.28, the one wrestling with Jacob asks what Jacob’s name is upon blessing him. Would the Lord need to ask that, he obviously knows the answer to what his name is.

Image result for Jacob asks the angel to bless him

An angel on the other hand might not know Jacob’s name, he’s just completing an assignment given him from God. When Jacob says he has seen the Face of God, is it not possible that he means he has seen firsthand God’s Creation in the form of an angelic being that also resembles a man not unlike him? It is very possible that God also could have taken on the appearance of a man as well. Many questions here to ponder.Image result for Jacob asks the angel to bless himNo matter what the results are the same and cannot be denied, the struggle with God changed Jacob both spiritually and in namesake. Just like our struggles with God daily, God is faithful to continue to supply us the grace and support to allow us to struggle all the while, God is building up our faith and making us stronger in our walk with him. This we believe is our takeaway from this passage, that God first loved us and he is here forever to fortify his love for us so that we don’t have to keep wrestling with him, but rather embrace him, as Father and Lord God the Almighty. This is why, in these final and last days as we approach the time of Jacob’s Trouble as the World struggles with living in a Godless World (the time of the Antichrist), the Elect of God will be embracing Jesus, the wrestling match long over and a thing of the past. We will be in an eternal embrace with our savior. See the source image

The Lord has promised that his elect are his always and none shall be plucked from his hand. Is that you beloved? Here are some of the amazing names of Jehovah our God as found in the Holy Scriptures. Take comfort in knowing your resting in God’s Arms.

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